Vikla Golf Club invites you to come and spend a day with us in some of Cyprus' most serene countryside. At Vikla we aim to provide a good golfing day out that is both affordable and enjoyable.
As water is scarce and expensive in Cyprus we made a decision to go down a different route to the typical green golf resort. We decided to use a small amount of water to keep our greens and aprons lush, but to allow the fairways to naturally dry out and green up with the seasons.
We get round the problem of dry fairways in the summer by playing fairway shots from artificial grass mats (pictured below on left) supplied by the Club, but some golfers bring their own plastic 'rocket launchers' (pictured below on right). Both of these implements are excepted by the EGA and CGF for official qualifying competition play.
The course is rated by the EGA and our Club is part of the Cyprus Golf Federation.